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Writer's pictureXavier D

Biohacking will ruin relationships

How can Biohacking ruin relationships

Just like with any endeavor, biohacking is hard to understand. Granted I’m by no means an extreme biohacker, but I do believe in taking steps to optimize your life.

The reason changing your habits, can ruin your relationships is as follows:

  1. You expect them to change so you start forcing new ideas down their throat.

  2. You don’t care if they change but they think you want them to so resentment grows.

  3. Most people don’t like changes no matter is they are good or bad.

There are many reasons  people relationships end, and usually when it comes towards being more productive.

What happens in most cases is the person making the changes, weaponizes their new information, against their partner.

The reasoning behind  weaponizing information, is two fold.

  1. You literally didn’t know this information and feel like someone has hidden the truth from you. But inherently you don’t need to understand keto in order to know not to eat fried foods. That was a personal choice.

  2. You don’t realize that this information is new, and needs to be presented multiple times and in a kind way, in order not to P off your partner.

When you ask your partner how was your day are you really listening?

The answer to that is probably no. So with that being said, you will have to probably repeat things a few times, and in the learning style of your partner, so they can better understand you.

Something else that is funny but true, but lets say you explain the same thing to your partners friend or parents. Someone who has never heard about biohacking but more than likely will encourage the journey, you partner is more likely to listen,

And may even ask questions about things you explained to them a thousand times, but don’t let that upset you, the only difference between now and then is that they care about that other person’s opinion.

So if this sounds like something your partner would do, then ethically use this scenario as many times as possible to get your partner on the same page.

No one wants to go places you haven’t been if they are unsure of the outcome

Using the same scenario as above, how many times have you heard of a movie or a restaurant, and  asked your partner to go.

Only to end up going to the places you normally go, and then a few weeks later one of their friends recommend the very place you’ve been wanting to try. Or worse they go out and just happen to go there with their friends.

The reasoning behind this is not to slight you, as that is how most of us would think.

As human beings we are wired to be weary of new things, as with the restaurant example, exercise or biohacking works the same.

We wouldn’t trust doing something or going somewhere if others have not been there themselves.

So imagine how weary you would be if a friend or family member said they were going to improve their health, wealth, longevity, mind and body.

You would look at them as if they were crazy or at the very least you would be skeptical.

Biohacking Changes your view to the world

The way you view the world changes, when you diet, exercise, and  think differently.

This is obvious, but the not so obvious point that needs to be made, is that for those who don’t understand are not your enemy.

Those who don’t understand will not take your hand to go on a journey that you yourself have not completed.

The System of your experience

The way the world goes about things doesn’t work for everyone, conformity is an innate human tendency.

That is why we trust our doctors, teachers and cops, and when they fail us we make excuses for their shortcomings or think that we couldn’t do any better than the job they’ve done.

However Biohacking is about realizing what your pills and potions are, and leaving behind the pills and potions of society.

Additional reads

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