The short answer is yes.
Before I get started with this post I have to dispel some myths in no particular order.
Detoxes can cause weight loss but won’t burn fat period.
Waist trainers, can not burn fat, you actually have to build the muscle which means ab exercises.
Cardio stops burning calories immediately in most cases once you stop moving.
Do no progressive workouts and guessing through workouts will yield zero results.
Drinking and not monitoring your diet will yield zero results.
Without guidelines, or a solid grasp of how things work you will always be doomed to fail.
Cardio, the easy way out?
Cardio, for some may seem like the go to, I never have my clients waste an excessive amount of time doing cardio. Simply because you can definitely do that on your own, the goal of my workouts is to incorporate weights and the resistance style exercises you need in order to see changes long term.
Cardio is easy, however with most the general population, you don’t effectively or progressively increase your workload, ie running faster or longer. Which means your results will stall quickly.
A majority or people I train, have knee issues, back issues, and other variables, that can severely impair your ability to train. Those have to be addressed, other wise a few sessions of running will have you sitting in pain, and giving up on your goals completely.
Why weights outweigh cardio based programs
After a workout your body still continues to burn fat, when training with weights, with cardio depending on the intensity you’ll stop burning calories once you stop.
I just want to tone
If you aren’t doing exercises to tone up from the beginning you’re doing yourself a disservice. The more lean muscle you add to your body, the more calories you’ll burn at rest. For every 10 lbs of lean mass you add, you’ll burn a pound of fat every 1 or so. You can only achieve this effect through resistance training.
Cardio in many cases just makes you a skinny fat version of your heavier self, you have to blend both together in order to achieve the results you’re looking for.