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Writer's pictureXavier D

Drunk Tank Pink

Who should read Drunk Tank pink

Drunk Tank Pink, is a must read for those of us interested in how we are influenced by forces that we cannot see.

If  you think yo make decisions rationally free from influence of others, this book breaks down why that might not be true.

What factors can affect your behavior

In drunk tank pink, Adam in the beginning highlights several factors that may affect your behavior on a surface level.

  1. Being watched by someone can make some of us behave more ethically

  2. Being in the crowded place can make you feel less helpful

  3. Hearing some names can trigger negative emotions and feelings

  4. Labels can create false memories

Your name influences the life you lead

How many babies were named Adolf after world war two, hardly any.

Names are a reflection of culture and heritage. The more educated a person is the more meaning a name will have.

An example from the book, is that a white women with a degree, may name her kid Sander, whereas a white woman, with no degree will name her kid Bobby.

Another example which is obvious depending on your culture, is that resumes, and job applications, with white names recieve more callbacks than ones with black names on them.

Labeling causes us to be judgemental or bias

Hearing the following terms can make you feel a certain type of way:

  1. White

  2. Poor

  3. Black

  4. Rich

When describing an incident where two cars hit each other researchers used the term smashed into each other with one group.

And hit each other in another group.

The group who heard smashed into when recalling the video they watched, said they saw glass, and other things that didn’t actually happen in the video.

Because of the terminology used it created a false memory in there minds.

Symbols resonate strongly with us

When asked to picture a swastika, its not a hard task, nor when asked to picture the dollar sign, we tend to do so with relative ease.

In another experiment, researchers placed real money in front of  one group, and monopoly money in front of another group.

They told both groups there was a cash incentive for completing the test and that they could ask for help.

The group with the real money, remained independent and were less likely to ask for help whereas the other group with monopoly, money was more inclined to ask for help.

Our basic drive for love, reproduction, and safety influences our behavior

If you are familiar what maslow’;s hierarchy of needs than this should be a no brainer if not I’ll list them from most important to least important

  1. Self actualization

  2. Esteem needs

  3. Love and belonging

  4. Safety needs

  5. Basic needs, air, food, water, sex

How colors effect us

Blue may put us at ease while red may increase our energy and a certain color of pink my make us feel depleted.

Dirty locations make peo0ple litter more, and green locations make people less likely to litter.

It also goes with out saying that the weather has a profound effect on our moods as well.

Energy levels are low in the winter time and cold months, while aggression may increase in hotter months.

Summary of Drunk Tank Pink

Overall this is a some what decent read, and I suggest you check it out.

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