Why Should you read Hooked by Nir Eyal
Hooked by Nir Eyal is a must read for anyone looking to take their understanding of how the brain works do the next level.
Nir Eyal is a
Nir Eyal is sought after by companies, for his insights into what it takes to build successful products.
Nir, has founded and sold two start ups, and is a regular contributor to:
Psychology Today
So if any one can show what i takes to be hooked Nir is the man to do it.
Creating Addiction
Hooked details through case studies how companies go about creating habit forming products.
Surprisingly as you read this book you will come across things that you don’t view as habits or addictions, and that is the truest sign of addiction. In my opinion.
Its no coincidence that you check your phone first thing in the morning, and that you have go to apps, and websites you check multiple times a day.
Conscious effort
We must make a conscious effort to break habits that are formed, if we hope to change them,
Every year people make new years resolutions, and break them faster than they set them, because the unconscious mind is use to running the same old pattern day in and day out.
You have to consciously decide and focus on what you want to change, not haphazardly make goals, with no means to accomplish them.
Repeating a new habit often, will cause you to become hooked.
Dependency keeps business coming in
When people are dependent on a product, they will do whatever it takes to keep their addiction going.
Social media right now, is essentially rewiring the brains of the massives because it was designed to do so.
The four Stages of getting you become hooked
1. The trigger
The trigger comes in the form of an ad on instagram, or tv.
2. The action
What we need to do in order to use the product, or recieve the service, like signing up for a website.
3. The award
What fulfills the need, so for example you will seek entertainment, if you are experiencing boredom.
4, The investment
This can be time, money, information like an email address, whatever we are willing to invest in said investment.
This is known as the hook model.
The hook model is a self fulfilling model, once you hit step four, you end up back at step one.
The more we repeat this cycle the more we deepen the connection to the internal triggers that lead up to us repeating this over and over.
Aka an Habit
In order to build a habit you need to create and external trigger
The external cues, to get you to do anything, is what will make you a habitual user of a product in the long run.
For examples, a friend showing you blue texts from other iphone user,s and the various other little small features, could thrust you into the world of Iphones.
Once you learn the shortcuts, and how to do certain things, you are now hooked.
Frequency is the key to building habits
Social cues and external triggers, can be costly fora company to continuously do.
To lead a consumer through the hook model several times, you have to get them initiate it own their own without
You can go after a consumers positive emotions, lby implicitly implying that your product will make them happy.
Or with a negative emotion, like if you don’t do this you won’t fit in.
Hypnotic products
You have to create alluring products, and services, that get your consumer to do whatever it is your company desires.
Preconditions of one model of behavior
Triggers prompting user to complete action
2,Motivated to do the desired action
3. Capable of doing the desired action
Emotions are another primer as well
Sex sells, and for very good reason it taps into a primal emotion human beings have, and makes them more susceptible to buy your service or product.
Out side of emotions rewards are a primer as well
Think about this in terms of gamification, people will shop at speedway for example to earn points, and other retailers for the chance to accumulate points as well.
Commitment and investment forms the habit
Once people have put in time and effort, and invested money, they are now tied to your service or product and are more likely to use it.
The responsibility of how habit forming products should be used
Consider if the product enhances of destroys lives, and if the maker of the product would you it to the extent that you are.
We see with Facebook, and its hold on society how it can be used to positively and negatively influence elections and people’s decisions.
Summary of Hooked by Nir Eyal
For companies or services to succeed consider making sure you know what the customer wants, and that you provide it in and ethical manner.
Other books by Nir Eyal
Hooked | My Amazon link
Indistractable | My Amazon link