Why should I read I wear the black hat
I wear the black hat , is a great read for any writers out there. Or any one interested in how villians have evolved over the course of the dawn of good guys versus bad guys.
The media controls how we perceive villains
Neither Bush nor Trump will be remembered as a villain, the media portrays them as idiots. The Late Night Show With Steven Colbert, does an excellent job of making Trump seem like a bumbling idiot.
So why would we villainize him?
The perception of good and evil are figments of our imagination
We perceive and understand things through the narratives told to us. So by constantly watching comedians make fun of the president, we also undermine his abilities as well. Which means we falsely no longer see him as a threat.
I wear the black hat, does an excellent job of illustrating the mistakes we make when judging good and evil.
For example in war, the good guys are the bad guys in the eyes of the people they are fighting.
The age of the anti hero
Shows like the wire, and breaking bad have characters that sell drugs. We are taught selling drugs is a bad thing, but we root for these characters as if they are heros. Why is that?
The answer is simple it all boils down to how we frame things, and the context in which we choose to view it. Both shows could of been shot based off of the lives of the cops, and we would of been rooting for them.
Undoubtedly my least favorite hero is batman, in fact he does some villainous things as well. In most cases the way Batman behaves, would be considered excessive force or unnecessary.
Identifying a villain is not as easy as you think because it can easily be changed based off learning a back story or hearing insights from other.
This is definitely an intriguing read.