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Invisible Influence by Jonah Berger book review

Why should I read Invisible Influence

Invisible Influence, is a book that covers the effects other people have on the decisions you make:

  1. Music

  2. Clothes

  3. Actions you take

The Invisible Influence

You have to realize where you stand in terms of being influenced by others, and the role it plays in your life.

What if all the decisions you make are only because of other peoples influence over you.

How do you know your thoughts are your own. We have to understand the process behind why we choose to do what we do, in order to have true control over our actions.

You have to first Identify to overcome

In order to get past being easily influenced by others, you have to first acknowledge, that many ways ,a  bias you have towards, being influenced.

Many of us are reluctant to admit others have power over us, granted some of us are more aware than others, but influence works just like addiction,  And admitting is the first step.

The neighborhood you grew up in, family, friends and work all speak to your conscious and subconscious in one way or another.

Why are we inclined to imitate others

The simplest reason for imitating others is that it saves time. Its easier to adopt the behaviors of others around us so we don’t have to figure things out. I mean if you say its popular it must be so.

Also there is the social peer pressure aspect of invisible influence that people can never escape in most cases.

Still think you aren’t susceptible?  Consider emotional mimicry  for example where someone will smile and you smile back at them, even if you don’t  know them. Or how about when you walk into a room, of laughing people and you laugh trying to figure out whats funny.

Most try to Stand out in some way

The snob effect, consider how most people like an artist, up until the point he or she goes main stream.

Now all of the sudden that person is annoyed, not only by the bandwagoners but by the band as well, in some cases.

This is called the snob effect, the more others like something the less you like it.

Most don’t want to be just different they want to appear to be better

These people want to appear:

  1. smarter

  2. more attractive

  3. more athletic

  4. wealthier

Whatever makes them better than you, some people are smarter  than their siblings, because that sibling was good at sports, and vice versa. The need to be better or different drives many different forces behind what our choices are.

Familiarity and cooperation, is valued more in poorer communities, and in the east asian culture it is valued more than trying to stand out.

Conversely,  in America, middle class people may cling to materialistic objects in an attempt to differentiate themselves from others.

The Exhaustive pursuit

Consider this Abercrombie and Fitch a notoriously racist brand, once paid a White ((The irony) reality show star not to wear their brand, because he didn’t align with their core values, or preppy look.

This is one of the many ways you can do something to distinguish yourself from certain things or people.

The Jones will buy expensive things, in order to stand out and are even willing to go broke to do so. So its pointless to bother with trying to keep up with them, their will exhaust their finances trying to stand out.

Inherently Exclusive

People will go out of their way to appear to be social influencers, by posting entertaining pictures and videos online. They would like for you to perceive them as a  socialite.

The appear to wear all expensive and designer clothes, and to do copious amounts of drugs and drink to excess.

These people want to stand out so bad, and go to great extents to do so. Only to fall into a stereotypical sub group.

Groups the great motivation

Working in groups can inspire us, or be our downfall.

Two ways to view this are as follows

  1. Iron sharpens Iron, dull wood, will dull iron.

  2. You are the sum of your five friends.

If you are not in a productive group or social circle than this in the type of invisible influence you are lending yourself to.

More books by Jonah Berger

Contagious review | My AMAZON link

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