Seven Habits to break away from the heard
The seven habits of highly effective people set the stage, for being liberated, and exceptionally productive people without trying.
Now, me saying without trying is dishonest, you will have to put in work, but once you do, your life will change for the better.
If you want to change the world, you have to be willing, to change yourself.
But what if I don’t want to change the world?
If you want to change the lives of those around you, you have to change yourself.
But what if I don’t want to change the world?
If you are one of these people, who wants to do the bare minimum, you will never have anything.
If you want to change your life you have to change yourself. I live by the following philosophy.
Bravery over Slavery
Exercise over excuses
Diet over destiny
Mind over matter
If you aren’t willing to prioritize your life, and optimize yourself you will never get ahead.
Define better habits
We are the sum of our habits, and the people we choose to hang around. Iron sharpens Iron.
Define and prioritize the following for yourself:
What does being proactive look like for me?
What is my end goal, and how can I keep the end goal in mind from the start until the end of my project?
What are the first things in your life, and how can you put them first?
What can I do to create Win-Win situations?
What I do to better understand others, so that they better understand me?
What kind of things sharpen my saw?
What creates synergy for me?
Your character and behavior matters
What skills and talents must you develop to improve your life? Are you the best in your field or is there room for improvement, things you could get better at?
What about your behavior needs to change? This can be things like understanding human behavior in addition to your direct talent, after all if you are skilled, but have issues understanding others you wont get far.
Work from the inside out, if you want a happy marriage, you have to develop and make yourself happy first. Only by operating with this mindset can you begin to change others.
Basic universal principles
Fairness, integrity and honesty. These are virtues or principles which can serve as guidance in our lives.
Reality is subjective to the individual meaning that its different for each and everyone of us.
Having a set of guiding principles will allow us to have a set moral compass, to make us highly effective people.
The first of the seven habits
Be proactive, the concept bravery over slavery comes into play here. Animals are slaves to external stimuli. As human beings we can proactively influence and change are own lives, while animals can not.
Being proactive is a profound habit to master, yet most of us are reactive to whats going on around us.
You have the power to proactively change and influence events as they occur in your life.
The Second habit of the Seven habits | Begin with the end in mind
Visualize the end and plan for it, every house is built following a blueprint, so everything envisioned on paper is brought to life.
However if we ignore what we want our end goal to be in life, we only leave room for turmoil and suffering.
Write out your goals. and make plans to make them happen, if you simply say what you want, you will only end up drifting through life.
Write a personal mission statement, with personal mission statement you can navigate the choppy waters of life in an effective manner.
You can google how to do this or simply modify mines:
Bravery over Slavery
Exercise over excuses
Diet over destiny
Mind over matter
Although there may be more principles in which you choose, to live your life by these four short sentences are what I live my life by.
The Third habit of the Seven habits | Put first things first
You can not pour from an empty cup, what rewarding tasks must you accomplish, what gets you going what sets the pace for your day?
For me, I have to write, exercise, and teach others daily.
If we don’t guide ourselves by the order of priorities which our most important to use we will be unhappy everyday.
There will never be a right time to begin chasing your dreams, start now while its hard, it will teach you perseverance, and make hardships down the line seem like child’s play because you started crossing the bridge when times were absolutely rough for you.
Another book that illustrates this point is The Obstacle is The Way.
The Fourth habit of the Seven habits | Think win-win
Most people think with the win-lose paradigm and mindset. What this means is that you only care about what you get in the outcome.
When you think win-win you will get so much further in life.
Form stable and beneficial relationships with those around you, and just watch, I guarantee they will foster a growth, that you would of never dreamed would be possible.
The Fifth habit, of the Seven habits | Seek to understand in order to be understood
The best way to understand this habit is by thinking of every instance when someone was dismissive of your needs.
Think going into a computer or phone store, and having done all your research, you are ready to make a purchase, and all the salesman cares about is pushing products on you and rushing you out the door.
So in the end you end up with nothing, or you end up walking out with things you didn’t want. Even if you turn around and return them the next day , more than likely you will never do business with that company again.
The same concept applies to our professional and personal life if we are dismissive towards others, how likely are they to deal with us in the future?
The Six Habit, of the seven habits the synergy of respect
This habit combines all of the previous habits into one. What would life be like if you were proactive, understanding, goal oriented, and people oriented?
How much different would life be and what would you get done, would you be able to accomplish things faster?
Would you in turn have better relationships with those around you?
The Seventh habit of the Seven habits, Sharpen your saw if you want to continue sawing.
Pointing back to my earlier sentiment you can not pour from an empty cup. My personal statement is a indication as to what I need to do in order to stay sharp.
If a tool is dull or worn down, it causes the quality of work to suffer.
What do you need to do to say optimal and live a rewarding life. For me its as follows:
Bravery over Slavery
Exercise over excuses
Diet over destiny
Mind over matter
The Summary
The more you work on yourself, and work towards being proactive the further you will get in life.
The more you increase value in the lives of others the more or a linchin you will be come.
Recognizing when to be still is also key as well.