Why this simple formula alone doesn’t work.
The formula for calories in calories out, doesn’t work alone.
Begin with the end in mind
Most of us, under estimate goal setting g and planning. At the very least I encourage people to set a goal or plan and to follow it until it’s an engrained habit. Meaning you don’t have to force yourself to do it. Some of us either have or still go to jobs and other functions we hate, because its expected of us, so why not expect more out of ypurself?
No matter the goal
No matter what your goal is whether its weightloss or something different, setting a big goal needs to be broken down into smaller more actionable steps.
If it’s to lose weight. How much weight? How many pounds per month? Per week? What will you do if you encounter a setback? By throughly planning you can account for as many variables as possible and make achieving your goal that much easier.
What is calories in and calories out?
Creating a calorie deficit can be an excellent way to start losing weight and burning fat. It’s only the first part of the equation. While many of us think we understand it, people still butcher the equation.
Calories in calories out, typically look like this:
Your body weight * 10 – 250 calories up to 500 calories
This will set the pace for the amount of calories you can have in a day. I encourage my client s to do neat(non exercise activities) to burn additional calories. This can include walking or some physical chores, this is in addition to their normal workout.
Every one of us has a metabolic rate that is different from the person next to us. Which means that we all especially when you take into account gender, genetics, and age burn fat differently.
I encourage my clients to wear heart rate monitors, or activity trackers, for additional data if they wish to optimize weight loss.
Delving deeper
In addition to a heart rate monitor, myfitnesspal is another excellent tool. Its imperative you track your food to determine what your caloric intake is. While it’s not foolproof it’s better than nothing.
You can always google healthy alternatives to foods and recipes you currently enjoy eating. I give my clients a grocery list to follow, so they know what they can have
Increase your water consumption, decrease your juice intake or water it down to get more water in your diet.
Meal prep is key, the average person only cycles between 20-40 foods in a year, most people still tend to eat the same things day in and day out as well. So I don’t want to hear complaining about meal prep if you stop at starbucks or McDonald’s daily.
Think outside the scale
The number on the scale is just a number, look at other areas in your life for changes besides the scale. Can you fit old clothes, you were to big for? That’s a sign you’re doing fine. If people can see and compliment the changes your making you know your on the right track.
Outside of looking for other variables to determine weight loss, make sure you get adequate sleep as well.
Start small but be decisive
If you need a trainer to get things started get one, stop fooling yourself into putting it off, you can still do research and have a trainer. On the days you’re not training with your trainer you can “do it on your own”.
You have to actively be progressive towards your goal otherwise reading this post is all for nothing.