Who should read The Tipping Point
The tipping point another gladwellian classic, and The purple cow (my review here) by Seth Godin are two very easy to read and understand books, that I would recommend to anyone wanting to make viral products.
In Tipping point, Gladwell explains how ideas spread like a virus, like the flu or some kind of plaque.
The tipping point may even be the birthing point of the term going “viral” when referring to social media campaigns that take the internet by storm.
As with all other work written by Gladwell, the tipping point offers his insights into how social epidemics spread as well. So yes the Tipping point will offer a large does of Gladwellian psychology.
The Spread of Ideas
Ideas spread like viruses affecting a few here and there, and then in a short manner of time, the masses our infected. In fact you may of even know people who seemed impervious to certain ideas, to fall prey to the latest trend of craze.
How does this happen?
As something gains momentum and power, over time it reaches what is known as the tipping point, The point in which is has hit critical mass and spreads like wild fire.
In this meme culture we live, in I would definitely like to see an updated version of this book. Since the Tipping point predates the last election, Facebook propaganda, and twitter memes.
The fundamental concept, is it can’t become an epidemic until it reaches critical mass or the tipping point.
How connectors work
Connectors have many social ties again this book predates social media but this aspect is often overlooked even in modern society.
People connected to several social circles are able to spread ideas like viruses.
Naturally persuasive people sell others on ideas without much effort, because of how good they are with words.
People who are enthusiastic and bubbly for example can sell others because of their infectious personality. Bottom line emotions are contagious.
Mavens are people who amass information and pass it on to others, every network has at least one. Persuasive people, connectors and mavens spread ideas. Now in order to make sure your ideas spreads you have to make it unique and remarkable.
Final summary
The key message of this book is:
There are several crucial factors that play a role in triggering epidemics. They are easy to recognize and can be consciously used to spread ideas, products or behaviors.
The questions this book answered:
Why do ideas spread like epidemics and what part does the Tipping Point play?
Ideas spread like epidemics. It is only an epidemic once the Tipping Point threshold has been crossed. What sorts of people have the most influence on the spread of ideas?
A certain few key people are often the cause of epidemics. Ideas spread particularly fast with “Connectors,” or people with a vast social network. Some people are born with the gift of persuasion and a knack for selling ideas. In every network there are “Mavens” who amass information and pass it on to others. Which other factors play a part in the spread of ideas?
An idea has to stick before it can spread. External circumstances have a much greater influence on our behavior than we think. Even the smallest changes in a context can determine whether an epidemic takes off.
Other books by Malcolm Gladwell , that I own and have reviewed.
Blink My review | Amazon link Outliers My review | Amazon link What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures My review | Amazon David and Goliath My review | Amazon link Talking to Strangers My review | Amazon link