Waist trainers, weight loss challenges & detoxes are dumb
Why are waist trainers, weight loss challenges & detoxes dumb.
The answer is simple it is not to say that these methods don’t work, although science says otherwise. People tend to still flock to these methods.
First and foremost let’s for the sake of arguing that these methods work. How does alcohol consumption while doing any of the things mentioned above tie into weight loss?
Most people still drink, and still perform a number of unhealthy habits, and expect a 6 week weight loss challenge to change that.
Most of these so called trainers, and coaches, sell these gimmicky products, because its easier to fool you, than it is to educate you.
What makes Waist trainers, weight loss challenges & detoxes are dumb The biggest elephant in the room, is that certain methods are used by models and bodybuilders, to achieve a specific look, that only lasts for that day. Such as going to a photoshoot, or competition. So the results by nature are short term and not long lasting. If from an objective standpoint you have more weight to lose, than what can be done during a 6 week weight loss challenge, why hype yourself up for failure. If you do a detox and consume things that go against how the human body works, Why would you expect to lose anything other than water weight. Also when you get off that detox or done with your weight loss challenge or get the waist trainer to the smallest notch. I have some important questions I need answers to:
How do these magical drinks, devices and challenges permanently keep the weight off?
What changes in terms of diet and exercise are you going to make to keep the weight off?
Why do you trust people who sell detoxes who look like , they need the product just as badly as you do?
Why do a challenge or a detox to only return to normal?
You do realize eating and or drinking your vegetables and fruits, is something you should do in general, and not just as a fad, or social media trend?waist trainers, weight loss challenges & detoxes are dumb so what can I do to lose weight?
Stop shooting yourself in the foot, when it comes to weight loss. A majority of people need to log their foods, and exercise, and track their progress. You need to cut processed foods, snacks, chips and soda from your diet. These are not weight loss challenge rules, these are common sense principles to follow to loss weight.
Tracking what you do is not hard, everyone is on their phones, or near a computer 24/7 and at the bare minimum you can grab a pen and paper to track things. What gets measured allows you to see what errors have been made, and where your successes were. From there you can create and set up goals and plans to optimize your chances of seeing change.
Resistance training is a must for a lean toned body, cardio has its place, and a clean diet has its place but you have to prioritize building muscle, in order to have a toned look. As little as 20-30 minutes of training can do wonders.
Prioritize education over entertainment, to many of us want to be entertained, and that’s what allows failure to creep in. Because the wrong people can get in your ear and entertain you while draining you of your time energy and resources. At the end the only result you end up seeing is failure, because you chose entertainment.