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Writer's pictureXavier D

You are now less dumb

Why Should I read you are now less dumb You are now less dumb, is an interesting read to say the least, if you have been following my  blog, some of these themes, will seem familiar. This book explores our emotions and how our brain can deceive us. Our brain deceives us into believing false realities, and we really believe them to be just and true. For example the old saying there is two sides to every story, would come in to play here. Often times, both sides view themselves as right and just, and the other side as flawed. You are now less dumb, is just what the doctor ordered, for those of us looking to better ourselves and let go of our biases.

Vice Versa Do you feel like a  manager because you wear, a name tag, thats lets everyone know your the manager or do behave like a good manager which is the reason you have the name tag. In this case both realities are possible, we have all witnessed people become managers, and turn into tyrants, And we've seen tyrannical people, become managers, in both cases  both parties believe they are just for being tyrannical. While one may have behaved like a tyrant without the badge, the other believes the badge gives him,  the right to be a tyrant.

The Placebo effect We believe events that follow each other are related. Action and Reaction. For example if you eat a fast food sandwich and get sick, you would probably, blame the restaurant, and negate the fact, that your friend was sick and sneezing all over the office.

The Halo effect looks matter We tend to judge books by their covers, we see a lab coat, and think that guy must be smart. We see attractive people or rich and affluent people and think they are smarter than less attractive and affluent people, This is called the halo effect we ignore the obvious bad traits and see what we would like to see.

Counterarguments and negative feedback When someone rips on your favorite artist, or celebrity, it may not change your opinion of that person. The reason being is that you will instantly drum up a thousand reasons and counter arguments as to why  that person is wrong. This will in fact, only solidify your appreciation of that artist even more.

Social norms You're in class, and you just got done, being utterly confused by the teachers lecture. When she ask if there are any questions, you don't see anyone raise their hand, so you don't raise yours. You don't want to be signaled  out as an idiot, but chances are everyone else has the same question, if not more questions. Even on the off chance that the class clown, would of made a smart comment, about how easy the material, chances are still high, that you probably asked the same question, that was weighing heavily on their minds. We think we know what social norms are, and that we are in the minority of people who deem ourselves not normal or dumb.

Group mentality I reviewed and summed up Crowds and power and you are now less dumb touches on something mentioned in that book. That is the need to belong. We see our group and just, and everyone outside of our groups as wrong.

The way you dress and your behavior When you dress, nicely it influences, your behavior, and the behavior of others around you. The lab coat example from earlier, that I mentioned comes in to play here we not only feel smarter, others perceive us as smarter. Our clothes leave a lasting impression on those around us that we meet.

is 75K the amount of money required to buy happiness? According to a study done, most peoples happiness will plateau at 75k. Meaning that even if they made more money, this was the bare minimum, amount in order to maximize their happiness. Their happiness would not grow any more, at this point even if they made 3x as much.

Summary of you are now less dumb Every day our brains, run the same programs over and over again, its up to use to recognize and change the biases that we have, in order to become less dumb. Remember to be more mindful of what your think and do. Its also important to note, that your clothes effect others perceptions, of you and what they believe your characteristics to be. Being paid for a hobby that you enjoy doing may suck out all the intrinsic motivation, and happiness you get from it, because now money is attached to it.

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