Why you should read Nobody want to read your…
Nobody wants to read your is perfect for anyone looking to any form of creative writing. Steven Pressfield is a veteran in the writing game. So this book is short and concise guide to writing and getting your work out there.
It has to be exceptionally good
Nobody wants to read your writing unless it is remarkable, it has to be captivating and holding their attention. It needs to have strong themes and characters as well.
You may need an apprenticeship
I am not a strong advocate of an apprenticeship, but you will need to study in the field, dissect what you like about others writing.
And if you don’t read find people whose writing you like even if it’s not related to your particular genre, it is still beneficial,
You can google events use skill share and other platforms to push your writing further than you would be able to normally do on your own.
Just like school you need a theme and a plot
All of your favorite ads, whether its on the radio, internet, in a magazine, or on tv all have a theme and plot.
This is what connects you to that particular piece, no matter how good the models look, or actors sound, its nothing without good writing,
You must also consider your audience and write for them not just for yourself and what you like.
Reading writing and dissecting are all essential to writing better
Most of the writing online is terrible, consider the writing in your favorite tv shows. OR movies.
Power, Empire and Scarface, all about people who on the rise to power.
If you had to read these as books, instead of watching them, they would still hold your attention.
One easy exercise you can do, is google, the greatest books ever turned into movies, pick your favorites from the list.
From here what you will do is find the book, or even the audio book, something that has no visual so you can see, what exactly it is about the writing you like.
This way we can evolve from nobody want to read your .. To people actually wanting to read your.
Again most blogs and websites are poorly written so avoid those.
The three part structure
Nobody wants to read your.. because you don;’t understand the 3 part structure.
Every great story uses it and breaks it up into different formats, or uses their style of writing to make it unique and their own.
The 3 part structure, is the begging ()intor), middle (conflicut), and the end (resolution)
First, Second, Third act
Movies and shows that continuously get renewed for more seasons, all our capable of doing using the 3 part structure over and over again, in fresh and creative ways and drawing on the experience and allure, or the world they’ve already introduced you to.
They also do a good job of indoctrinating new people into their world of writing as well.
Final Summary of Nobody wants to read your
Steven Pressfield writing style is unique and he does a good job of tying in metaphors, ande stories that illustrate his points, if you are looking to become a better writer highly suggest his work.