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Writer's pictureXavier D

Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue by Ryan Holiday

Who is  Conspiracy for?

This Conspiracy book was not my cup of tea ( the title is definitely misleading in my opinion.), I admit I brought it, after enjoying the obstacle is the way, I bundled the rest of Ryan Holidays work together and brought it.

However this book can be of some value to those interested, I guess in the beef between Peter Thiel and Gawker, I would say it could serve someone well if they work in PR, or are considering running a gossip blog.

I honestly can’t see a use for this book, it will probably be one of those things, that I may revisit and like, or something I never mention when discussing the catalog of Ryan’s work that I do  like.

This book is based off of a 400 word blog post, on a gossip blog, that led to a 140$ million dollar law suit.

Ultimately I’m not a fan of celebrates or gossip, so this book was a complete miss for me.

Other books he’s wrote, that I own and have reviewed.

What books do I recommend from the list above?

The Obstacle is the way is a must read, and you can read my review for it here. It is probably his second most complete work in my opinion.

Ego is the enemy is a good read, but I would say skip it, its not really in my top 3 of his works.

Conspiracy is a complete skip, in my book.

The Daily Stoic is definitely a nice compilation, of daily inspiration,

Trust me, I’m lying, is a must read for those, who still believe in a world of organic traffic, and can’t decipher between pr stunts, and real life.

With the Perennial Seller, I would recommend  Seth Godin’s work over this book, but its highlights the importance of creating meaningful long lasting work.

The Same can be said about Growth Hacker As well, there are other authors I would recommend.


The Obstacle is the way, is a must read.

Ego Is The Enemy, skip.

Conspiracy, skip.

Trust me, I’m Lying, is something that should be read.

Daily stoic, is an absolute must have.

The Perennial Seller, is an okay read I would recommend for people who mindlessly jump from project to project.

The Growth Hacker, has beneficial information over it, I would recommend over or in addition to the perennial seller.

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