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Why Your Brain Loves Exercise: Exploring the Neurological Benefits of Physical Activity

In this video, I'm going to talk about the role your brain plays when you exercise. I'll explain how exercise can help improve your mood, cognitive function, and even your lifespan! Exercise is vitally important for your health, but few people know about the role that your brain plays in exercise. In this video, I'm going to share with you how exercise can help improve your mood, cognitive function, and even your lifespan! So make sure to stick around for the full explanation! Today's Leg day workout squats deadlifts leg extensions hamstring curls calf raises #houstonpersonaltrainer #houstonfitness #legday  #selfimprovement #health  #houston #personaldevelopment #audit  #values #athleanx #bodybuilding #fitness #skullcrushers #legdaymotivation #squats

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